Fetching Brazil’s Vaccine application Data

Pedro Vallese
2 min readApr 27, 2021

In my recent studies, I’ve been looking for cases and techniques on how to handle with large volumes of data. One book that I found amazing on the subject was Martin Kleppmann’s Designing Data-Intensive Applications. This book got me hooked, it inspired me to seek some kind of project that I could apply some of its concept and learn with a hands-on approach.

Unfortunately, the country that I live, Brazil, is struggling hard applying vaccines on its population, and so, to really understand Brazil’s picture on vaccination, I decided to build a system that I could retrieve the data from government’s platform (Big Thanks to SUS, Brazil’s public health system) they had all the info on all vaccine’s application since the start of the vaccination program.

The graph with Brazil’s current state of vaccination can be accessed here:


Let me know any new ideas that I can use with the data :)

For the techies:

I’ve created a notion page with all the information about all the code used and architecture provided to make it possible, feel free to access and provide your feedback:


